10 Effective Techniques That Work Great for Optimizing Your Blog Posts

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10 Effective Techniques That Work Great for Optimizing Your Blog Posts

An amazing way to position your website as a relevant answer to the customer’s queries is by swatting up a blog. It gives a boost to your website’s SEO quality by using a host of effective on-page SEO techniques. These techniques provide more opportunities to rank yourself higher on search engines and direct heavy traffic to your website.

A lot of Melbourne SEO companies are using the same approach to get more traffic to their websites. Several businesses are even choosing to hire specialized SEO companies in Melbourne to get guaranteed results without much hassle.

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Seo Melbourne

An effective strategy for SEO in Melbourne is extremely important for marketers to get the desired outcomes from their marketing efforts. With the optimization of web pages that also contain blog posts, you make the page more visible to users who search your products and/or services using different keywords on various search engines such as Google.

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However, Google’s plentiful system updates make this complicated. This is what has made Melbourne SEO best practices to be solely based on relevancy and intent.

But how do we know what is important and what is not? How do we differentiate between old-school and modern SEO tactics? What is considered what and how useful it is? How can we possibly keep things all straight?

Getting confused with all this is nothing to be embarrassed about. Even the top-notch marketers working with different SEO agencies in Melbourne today once took a lot of time to understand all the ins and outs of SEO.

Here you’ll get to know about some amazing techniques for the optimization of blog posts using keywords and a few other tactics you should know about.

10 SEO Tips to Search Engine Optimize Your Blog Content by Seo Melbourne

1.   Emphasize on one or two long-tail keywords that tie well with the intent of your ideal reader.

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Seo Companies Melbourne

Professional SEO services don’t use a lot of keywords. Instead, they focus on just a few but effective ones. In fact, using a lot of keywords and loading your blogs with them actually reduces the effectiveness of your SEO because it is identified by search engines as ‘keyword stuffing’.

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It also gives an impression to the readers that you are just focused on marketing and not on giving a good reader experience.

Therefore, as a rule of thumb, focus on having only one or two long-tail keywords in each of your blog posts.

Wondering why long-tail keywords? This is because long, and particularly question-based keywords tend to keep your post more focused on the specific goals of your readers. It will ultimately help you generate the right type of traffic i.e. audiences that actually convert into users/buyer of your services and products.

2.   Incorporate the long-tail keywords you select into certain parts of your blog posts.

Once you have selected one or two relevant long-tail keywords, it’s time to focus on where they should be incorporated to deliver the best results. So, what do you think are the best spots in your blog spot to incorporate keywords?

Experts providing SEO services in Melbourne say that there are four primary places you should try and incorporate the selected keywords you have:

These are:

  1. The title tag
  2. Headers & body
  3. URL
  4. Meta description

a)    Title Tag

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Seo Companies in Melbourne

The headline i.e. the title tag of the blog posts you make is like the first impression you give to your audiences. It is the very first thing that helps the readers determine the relevancy of the content you are sharing and so incorporating a keyword here is imperative.

Remember to add the keyword within the first 60 characters in your title tag because search engine such as Google usually cut the title from there on on Search Engine Result Pages (SERP).

b)   Headers & Body

Mentioning keywords in the body and headers, according to various SEO companies in Melbourne is important but what is imperative is mentioning them at normal rate/frequency. Include your keywords at a normal pace so that they appear to be organic and the content remains reader-friendly.

Don’t stuff!

c)    URL

SEO services in Melbourne while optimizing the blog posts keep in mind that search engines do check the URLs to analyze the nature of these posts. You have a good chance to also optimize the URL of your by adding a relevant keyword into it to rank yourself higher on SERP.

d)   Meta Description

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Seo Services

Meta descriptions are an essential part of your blog posts. They give meaning to the section where your posts appear on a search engine by entailing a brief description of what the post is about. It provides instant information to the readers and with the inclusion of a keyword, you make it even more engaging and relevant. This is the reason SEO agencies in Melbourne add and suggest adding decent meta descriptions with keywords to any blog posts you publish.

3.   Make your blog pages mobile-friendly.

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Seo Services Melbourne

More people today are inclined to using their mobile phones for everything they do on the internet than on computers. Studies also suggest that the number of people using mobile phones to read blog posts is way higher than those who use desktops or laptops for the same.

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Professional SEO service providers will often recommend you to make your website/blogs mobile-friendly or do it themselves for you because it is important to keep the audiences in mind. It is for them you are developing any content and publishing it and if they can’t read it easily, your efforts go in vain.

You make your blog mobile-friendly but utilizing a “responsive design” for setting it up. Pages that are responsive to phones will allow you to have a single link instead of two separate ones; one for desktop and mobile each. This way the power is centralized and search engines recognize your posts more accurately and easily to rank it accordingly.

4.   Optimize your images’ alt text too.

Nobody likes pages with plain text; you must include images to keep the readers engaged through to the end. However, search engines don’t just consider images, but also the alt text that the images are backed with.

As you must know, computers or search engines are not able to see images as we as humans do. They identify them with their codes i.e. the alt text which helps them identify what the image is about. The alt text thusly helps in improving the rank of your images on Google and other search engines. It works to create a better user experience by improving accessibility.

Technically speaking, alt text is added to an image label in HTML. A complete image tag usually looks like:

<img class=”wt-blog__normal-image” src=”image.jpg” alt=”image-description” title=”image tooltip”>

While adding keywords to this text may seem useless, a lot of Melbourne SEO experts emphasize it. After all, a minute spent to change the name of an image from “IMG45940” to something meaningful, precise, and expressive such as “babies-playing-in-the-pool” is worth it. Isn’t it?

5.   Avoid using too many, similar topic tags.

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Seo Companies Melbourne

Overusing anything is bad generally. While topic tags are important for you to organize your content, they can be destructive if overused. You may even get penalized for using a lot of similar topic tags in your blog posts for having duplicate content.

When a topic tag is created by you, you definitely also create a new web page where the content related to these topic tags will be displayed. With the usage of too many topic tags that are same, the results on search engines appear as if you are showing the same content multiple times on your website. For instance, topic tags such as “blog”, “blog posts”, or “blogging” are very similar to each other to be used on a single post.

If you think that the content you have produced has too many similar topic tags, take out some time to clear them up. Select around 15 to 20 tags that are relevant, important, and dissimilar to each other. Only after this, opt to tag your posts using those selected keywords. This is how SEO companies in Melbourne keep themselves from worrying about duplication of the content.

6.   Use forms of URL which help your website visitors.

As mentioned in the second techniques on this list, URLs play an important part in your blog post optimization. Melbourne SEO experts focus on developing URLs using a structure which is easily comprehensible for the website visitors.

A URL which is easy and uses a relevant keyword also gives an idea about the nature of the content which is published. Such URLs are also favored by search engines and increase your blog’s odds of acquiring a top spot in SERP.

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7.   Whenever possible, try and link internally.

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Seo Agencies in Melbourne

An important thing which helps search engines in analysing your content’s authenticity, validity, and relevancy is inbound links. Likewise, the internal links you add which direct users to other pages on your website work in the same way. For example, if you are publishing a blog post that is in some way related to another blog post or a web page on your site, it is best you link them both internally. This is what SEO agencies in Melbourne prefer and recommend doing for most of the blog posts.

If you are intending to include more internal links to your posts and are unsure about the relevancy of those links, use the “Explore some internal links you might use in this post” option to open a list of suggested pages or blogs that you can link.

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8.   Use Google’s “Search Console”.

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Seo Agency Melbourne

There is a section named “Search Analytics Report” on Google’s free Search Console. As the name suggests, this report helps you analyse the clicks/website visits you have received from Google Search. This tool is very useful to check which keywords are mostly being used by people to reach to your blog content.

If the idea of optimizing your existing best-performing blog posts for leads and/or traffic that most SEO services have been doing for years entices you, this tool on Google can help you a lot in identifying your low-hanging fruit.

Many SEO beginners and content marketers work hard to optimize their content for search engine entries. However, it is good to remember that the posts won’t stark ranking instantly. It will take you a lot of patience and time to build up your search power. The successful providers of SEO services in Melbourne that inspire you did and do the same. They wait for their techniques to do the magic. You will get rewarded in the form of good leads and traffic if the posts are published frequently and are always optimized.

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9.   Use topic clusters.

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Melbourne Seo

A few Melbourne SEO bloggers and other SEO service providers did try to produce individual blog posts that are linked with specific ranks for different keywords. The result, however, did not turn out as good as the users found it very difficult to spot the information they exactly need.

This tactic also results in your URLs having a rivalry with each other and battling to obtain search engine rankings when the blog posts are about similar topics.

In order to best answer the queries of your audience and rank better on search engine result pages, you should instead use Topic Clusters.

The topic cluster model allows you to choose generic topics which you want to rank yourself for and then produce content depending on the specific keywords you get that are all linked with one another. This enables you to get more search engine authority.

10.        Review content that is not ranking

The last technique (but not any less important) on this list which will help you improve your blog post optimization is reviewing blogs that are not ranking on search engines. Think of what has been done that is keeping the content from being ranked. Identify the problem and rectify it.

Maybe you have included a lot of links due to which the search engine is not letting your post be ranked or that you have stuffed your post with a lot of keywords which most search engines don’t prefer/allow.

Whatever the mistake is, identify and work on it. Review your posts on a monthly basis, learn from the failing ones, and correct them. Blog SEO is not only about publishing new posts but about the way you learn from your mistakes. The same is what professional SEO companies in Melbourne cling to!

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In case you are looking for someone to help you with your blog content optimization and/or have any other queries regarding SEO, connect with us today!