White Hat SEO vs. Black Hat SEO—Which is Better?

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White Hat SEO vs. Black Hat SEO—Which is Better?

seo specialists sydney

Seo Specialists Sydney

Are you looking for Seo company Sydney who can help you rank in the Top SERPs for your industry? Wondering about what SEO services (white hat SEO or black hat SEO) to use for improving your online business search engine visibility and attracting qualified leads to your site?

Well, then you have come to the right place as we share with you everything that you need to know about white hat SEO and black hat SEO.  

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So, here we go….

SEO specialists Sydney classify search engine optimisation techniques in two categories:

  1. Techniques that are recommended by search engines as part of a good design
  2. Techniques that are not approved by search engines and referred to as spamdexing

And these two broad categories are further classified as White Hat SEO and Black Hat SEO.

White Hat SEO—What is it?

white hat seo

White Hat Seo

White Hat SEO is associated with ethical SEO techniques that are in conformance with the search engine rules. Even though when you use white hat strategies, your website may not start to show in the top SERPs overnight but you consistently use them, you will eventually get satisfactory and long-lasting results.

black hat seo

Black Hat Seo

Black Hat SEO—What is it?

Black Hat SEO basically refers to the use of inappropriate and aggressive SEO tactics and techniques that break the search engine rules. These tactics only focus on search engine ranking and not on quality and sustainability.

Simply stated, these tactics are used by those who are seeking quick financial gains through their website instead of looking at SEO services in Sydney as a means of long-term investment on their site.

White Hat SEO or Black Hat SEO which one to opt for Search Engine Optimisation in Sydney?

To increase your sales conversion ratio and online business profitability, you need to make sure that your site is found in the top searches for your industry by your target audience who are looking for the products or services that you have to offer. Ranking in the top results is crucial to success as 33 percent of the traffic goes to the top listed site in the SERPs and from there it starts to decrease. Besides this, studies show that approximately 75 percent of the search engine users shop from the top 10 listed websites in the results. From these statistics, you can easily determine the importance of high ranking.

This brings us down to the ultimate question and that is whether to use white hat SEO or Black hat SEO for online business success. Well, the truth of the matter is that if you’re looking for long-term success and want to build a strong brand identity while establishing business credibility in the minds of your target audience, then white hat SEO is the way to go.

SEO in Sydney

SEO in Sydney

You can easily get SEO in Sydney through a search engine optimisation company that helps you rank in the top SERPs by using black hat SEO techniques, however, investment in such strategies is a waste in many ways such as:

  • It’s a waste of money as it only promises short-term success and nothing else,
  • It scars your business image, reputation and credibility as you’re only visible in the top searches for a while and then your business just gets wiped out from the listing.
  • It makes people question your business ethics.
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So, if you’re willing to compromise on all that, then black hat it is otherwise you may want to stick to white hat SEO. The decision is yours to make…..

Here are more differences between White Hat SEO and Black Hat SEO:

  • Techniques Used

  • Black Hat SEO

SEO professionals in Sydney

SEO Professionals in Sydney

SEO professionals in Sydney that rely on black hat strategies use rule breaking tactics to rank high by unethically presenting content to search engine spiders and users. Some of the most common black hat SEO techniques include:

  • Keyword Stuffing
SEO professionals in Sydney

SEO Professionals in Sydney

This is a practice of filling content with unrelated or irrelevant keywords in the attempt to manipulate page ranking of the search engine results. As the strategist is only focused on ranking, they are least concerned about the user experience. A multiple variations of keywords that make no sense with the context is stuffed in the content thereby sacrificing the quality of it and creating a bad experience for the users.

  • Cloaking

This is another popular black hat SEO tactic that shows one piece of content to search engines and a different piece to search engines. This tactic makes content rank for different terms even if they are irrelevant to the content. It is done to avoid search engine bots from finding the spam content that they serve to users.

  • Link Farm

A link farm is a tactic that involves a group of websites that are all hyperlinked to every other website in the group. Link farms are created through automated programs and done to spam the index of a search engine. It has low quality content and a lot of links.

  • Doorway Pages

Your target audience will never be able to see these pages because as soon as these pages are clicked, the user is redirected automatically to a separate page. These doorway pages are exclusively constructed for search engine spiders to trick them into indexing the website higher and completely meaningless.

  • Invisible Text or links

It involves the keyword placing on a white background and in white text to attract search engine spiders.

SEO services company in Sydney

SEO Services Company in Sydney

  • Blog Spam

Spam in blogs is a form of spamdexing. For this comments on the blogs are automatically posted. It is done to promote commercial services. From blogs to wikis, guest books and other types of publicly accessible online discussion boards or web applications that accept & display hyperlinks are targeted.

  • Paid Links

Links on websites are bought under this strategy to increase page ranking. Such links are spam and search engines like Google strictly disapproves them.

  • White Hat SEO

A White Hat SEO services company in Sydney focuses on creating content for users and not just search engines. It follows SEO guidelines and ensures that the content indexed by search engines is the same content that human users will see. The content published using white hat SEO is well-structured, well-written, and relevant to the target audience.

 Some of the most popular white hat SEO strategies are:

  • Guest Blogging
    search engine optimisation company

    Search Engine Optimisation Company

As the name suggests, it is a technique that involves writing posts for someone else’s blog. This is a great and needless to say an ethical technique to create quality back-links to the guest blogger’s site thereby increasing their search engine visibility and ranking. Here it is important to understand that these back-links are created on relevant sites that act as a vote for the guest blogger’s site so there is nothing shady or unethical about them.

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  • Quality Content Creation
SEO services company in Sydney for you

SEO Services Company in Sydney for You

This is strategy is perhaps the key to definite online business success. Google just loves original, unique and quality content. This is because such content offers great value to the target audience and is not redundant. Wait there’s more! Other reasons for the popularity of this white hat strategy are that quality content is both link-worthy and share-worthy—which are the most important ingredients when it comes to generating qualified leads.  

So, before you choose any search engine optimisation company make sure that they have expertise in this domain. Get in touch with a SEO services company in Sydney that specialises in quality content creation so that they can upload content to your site that is 100 percent original, highly-relevant to your niche and free from grammatical errors or spelling mistakes.

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  • Use of Relevant Keyword

To increase search engine visibility, black hat SEO specialists in Sydney go as far as using keywords that are not related or relevant. However, white hat SEO marketing in Sydney optimises websites using relevant industry keywords only. This ensures that the quality of the content is not compromised with meaningless or irrelevant keywords.

SEO marketing in Sydney

SEO Marketing in Sydney

Furthermore, these keywords and phrases in your content make it possible for your target audience to find your site via search engines. And when a website that is well-optimised for keywords on search engines that speaks the same language as potential site visitors it helps connect searchers to your website. It won’t be wrong to say that relevant keywords and SEO are interlinked and together can ensure that you have a winning search engine marketing campaign. 

If you work with an experienced and trusted SEO company in Sydney, they’d help you find the right keywords for your business and industry by using proper keyword analysis and research tools.   

Why You Should Avoid Black Hat SEO and Focus on Only White Hat SEO?

SEO marketing in Sydney

SEO Marketing in Sydney

It’s true that black hat SEO techniques can get you quick results but we’d recommend you to avoid such techniques as it can cost your business big. These techniques violate webmaster guidelines that are set out by search engines. So when you engage black hat SEO in your SEO marketing in Sydney campaign, you break the rules and put your online business at risk to a nasty penalty as punishment.

That’s right, black hat SEO tactics are considered unethical practices and therefore they are heavily penalized. This penalty has a negative effect on your search results.

It causes the site ranking to drop down and often can get completely removed. In other words, such sites eventually get banned and de-indexed. And you know what that means? Well, your overnight success gets you nowhere. When your site is banned and de-indexed it will not show in the top searches (that you had invested a huge sum of money to achieve), and will not be visible to your audience in the search results. So, you not only lose the money and time that you had invested in the process but also lose your audience, traffic, sales, and business credibility. All this is definitely not worth it.

So it is better to focus on white hat SEO and comply with the rules. If you play by the rules, you’ll definitely get the reward that you deserve in terms of increased site visibility, more targeted web traffic and high site-conversion ratio.

Contact us Today

For search engine optimisation in Sydney make sure that you do work with a reliable, experienced, and trustworthy company. They are many SEO companies in Sydney that claim to offer quick results. This may sound tempting but chances are that they are using black hat strategies for site optimisation. And that is something you don’t want. So, you need to do some legwork to find an SEO agency in Sydney that you can trust such as us.

best SEO company in Sydney

Best SEO Company in Sydney

Recognised as the most reliable, and the best SEO company in Sydney, we take pride in being the top choice for SEO services. We only use white hat SEO strategies to help clients spear through competition and rank high in the top SERPs for your industry. We have helped hundreds of clients increase their search engine visibility and business profits, we can help you too.

For more information or SEO services Sydney, get in touch with us now.